Tuesday 11 March 2014


Dirty Talk: What Women Really Think Of Phone s*x

You may think that in a world where sexting seems to be the number one way to communicate the sexy times, phone s*x is a thing of the past, but you’re wrong. Yes, there are still people out there who are actually picking up the phone, having a conversation with — GASP! — their voice, and even letting that chat get s*xual sometimes. How else are people in long distance relationships supposed to make up for that fact that their unclad bodies have been far apart for so long? Skype is great, but there’s something about the, “You’re frozen. Wait. You’re moving again. Now your lips aren’t in sync with your words. Ugh. You’re frozen again,” that can kill the mood.
We talked to some ladies about their thoughts on phone s*x. And, not too surprisingly, even those who aren’t in long distance relationships use it as a means to keep things spicy.
The “YAY!” crowd.
“Yay! There is nothing more sexy than a good vocabulary,” says Tanya 34.
“I love to call my boyfriend when he’s at work and immediately start talking dirty to him, knowing that all he can do is listen and not respond. It’s hot,” says Sarah, 29.
“We started having phone s*x when we went to different schools in college, as a way to self service together. But now we still do it occasionally for fun, because it’s hot to hear his voice when he has an climax — at the office, out of town for work, or just for the hell of it,” say Joanna, 27.
The “NAY!” crowd.
“Gross. I can barely talk sexy in person, let alone on the phone,” says Meggie, 30.
“I feel like it would be just awkward to have phone s*x with my husband. It’s not something we’ve ever done and to start doing it after three years would be weird. Besides, he can’t even sext properly,” says Colleen, 30.
“Text was invented for a reason, and I’m pretty sure this is one of those reasons: sexting,” says Jennie, 31.
“I’m not into it. I don’t like to verbally express myself. I like to physically express myself. Sh*t, I’m a dancer; I use my body not my words,” says Autumn, 25.
Then the “anti-talking on the phone all together” crowd.
“I hate talking on the phone. I won’t even order food from a place where I have to call them. If they don’t have an ‘online order’ option, forget it. Based on that level of hatred, I refuse to engage in phone s*x despite having dated lots of dudes who are into it,” says Anna, 30.
“I don’t know the last time I used my phone to talk into it, so NO. NO. NO. NO,” says Holly, 29.

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