Sunday 14 April 2013

Shocking Story: Human
Parts Dealer Goes Insane Doose Nomhwange left home one morning, unaware that danger lurked ahead. Her friend of many years lured her to a man who traded in human parts. But fate pulled a fast one on her captor who, on the verge of killing her, became mad. Call it a demonstration of power between the forces of light and darkness in which the former roundly won. Read the heartrending
account of how this middle-
aged widow went to hell and
came back alive to tell her
story. Unforgettable Day I had lived in Lagos where I
had all my kids. But later, I
lost my husband. Some time
ago, I went back to Lagos to
find what to do to take care
of my two sets of twins. I was a full-time housewife
when I had my children. I
intended going back to
school to further my
education but my husband,
an Ogoni, from Rivers State, stopped me because I was
too young, and we agreed
that I could go back to school
when I finished having my
babies. But later, things
became tough because my husband was a businessman. When he died, I had to return
to Benue State because I was
the firstborn of my parents
and I didn’t want to take my
children to Rivers State
because Benue has more food. So, I returned to Lagos,
and that was when I met a
man. He owns an oil and gas
company (name withheld)
and he employed me
personally as a marketer, canvassing for people who
would buy oil, diesel, fuel and
all that. On this fateful day, I went to
see my father who was ill
and on admission at the
University College Hospital
(UCH), Ibadan. There was
something they needed for my father’s treatment and
they didn’t have it in Ibadan.
So, they wrote it down for
me to buy and I went to
Boluke Pharmacy on
Awolowo Way in Ikeja. As soon as I walked out from
the pharmacy because I lived
at Ojodu Berger, I saw Aisha,
a lady I had met long ago at
the office of my cousin who
was a stylist and we became friends. The lady is from Igbira in
Kogi State. She wanted us to
talk about a supply contract
she had. I suggested that we
sat in an eatery on Allen
Avenue, but she said there was a new eatery on Toyin
Street where we could talk.
There was a young man by
her side that she introduced
to me as her fiancé, adding
that they were going to wed in two months’. We jumped
into the young man’s car and
they assured me that from
the eatery, they would take
the expressway, drop me and
then go back to Ogba. When we got to that place, the man
horned and the gate was
opened. We saw a lot of cars
outside because it was an
estate. Inside the house,
people sat with their girlfriends, drinking and
eating. I didn’t know that
they were members of a
satanic group. My friend
drank beer and after
apologizing that she had no money to buy me wine, she
gave me water. Evil chief At a stage, a man gorgeously
dressed in native attire
(names withheld), came in
and walked to our table. A lot
of them got up and greeted
him. I also got up and greeted him. After a glance at
me, he asked why I was not
drinking and he bought
Campari for me. He opened
the bottle and I took a glass
and because nobody was interested, I dropped the
bottle in my bag. After my discussion with the
lady, I waited for them to
drop me off as earlier agreed
but the young man said he
wanted to ease himself but
never came back. After about 10 minutes, the lady, left in
search of her fiancé, leaving
her bag behind. After a long
wait, I became worried and
told the barman that I was
leaving. As I walked towards the gate, the gateman shut it. The chief shows up When I turned, I saw the
gorgeously dressed man
walking towards the gate. I
thanked him for the
entertainment and told I was
leaving. The man said: “Do you know who you are
talking to? You are an idiot!
Common, shut up! Don’t you
know I am a chief?” Later, he
said in Yoruba: “Omo Oba”,
and some young men including two that looked
like bouncers came. On his
orders, they collected my
handset and handbag, and
took me upstairs. So, they took me upstairs and
flung me into one room and
shut the door. Inside the
room, I saw many clothes,
bags and more than 1000 SIM
cards. About 15 minutes later, the man appeared and
ordered me to, “pull off
everything and drop it
there”, and I obeyed. Unconscious By then, I was no longer in
full control of my senses.
Before he came up, I prayed
that if the man had been
killing people, I should not be
his victim. As a Christian, I understand that there is
power in the tongue and I
declared, “Right now as I sit
here, let the blood of Jesus
take over before they think
about anything. I worship with Living Faith. They removed my earrings About seven boys were at
the man’s beck and call. He
didn’t touch you; all he did
was give orders. He came
back as I was still putting on
my pants and brassiere and said: “Are you stupid? I said
anything that represents a
material on your body should
be taken away. Why are you
still with all these?” So, I
removed everything and they took me to the next room
and locked me up.
Throughout that night, they
jubilated and drank.
Apparently, due to the glass
of Campari that I took, I was very tired and having cried
and prayed for long, I became
weak, and slept off. Angels to the rescue I slept until 3am and that
was when I regained
consciousness and realized I
was in a strange place. I
prayed till after 4am and at
about 5 am, the man came into the room and asked me,
“Are you a witch?” and I said,
“No sir.” Then, he said: “What
have I done to you that you
beat me all night long, and
didn’t allow me to sleep?” It was a strange question for
me to answer. I begged and
told him that I had no
strength to fight. He said,
“shut up”, and slapped me. You see, I strongly believe
that this incident happened
in order for me to believe in
the power of God because I
didn’t believe in miracles.
When people said they received miracles, I just
looked at them with disdain.
But this time, I became a
personal testimony. I begged
the man and he started
beating me. The way he punched me, if God was not
by my side, even if I escaped,
I would have died or needed
a lot of money to fix my
bones. But for each blow he
hit me, I felt nothing. Each time he hit, and I shouted,
“Jesus”, I felt as if someone
had touched an empty
carton. Then, he said if I had
any prayer, I should pray
because he was seriously going to work on me. He said
he had worked on so many
people by removing their
private parts, eyes, tongues
and other vital organs. House of death He told me that no one came
to the house and escaped.
Honestly, that house was
designed for killing people. If
God was not by your side,
you can never escape from that house. Most times, the
boys were downstairs
drinking and smoking. I socialized with them by
asking for cigarette hoping
that if I did what they were
doing, they would set me
free. If I requested for
cigarette they would quickly bring cigarette for me. One
day, I requested for food and
they said in Yoruba that after
all, it was my last food. It
was rice and meat but I
couldn’t eat it. Day Two On the second day, the boys
argued among themselves in
Yoruba and I could pick some
meaning. They said: “Ah,
kilode? Se this thing wey oga
bring no be wahala o. We don tell oga make e leave her,
make i go because oga no
dey waste time. Anybody
wey dem bring come na one
day. One day don pass, two
days don pass and still we don’t even know what the
shrine is saying.” They
consult a shrine to know a
victim’s worth. Day Three On the third day, the man
came to me and said: “What
kind of hairstyle is this (I had
a hairstyle called fishtail)?
This hair is the one
tormenting you. You are a very nice person. This hair is
what is tormenting you.
Don’t panic, they will remove
this hair style, so that you can
be free.” They called me Samson I heard them say in Yoruba,
“Samson ni o”, that may be, I
am Samson in the Bible. They
suspected that they couldn’t
kill me because I have the
same powers as the biblical Samson. They threw a
bedcover to me and told me
to tie it so that they could
take me downstairs. The house was very large and
people lived in the boys’
quarters with their families
apparently, without knowing
what the man did. Or maybe
they knew but were scared? So, they took me downstairs
to cut my hairs and as I
stepped down, I saw that the
gate was opened and then a
Mallam pushed in a
wheelbarrow with kegs of water. He was their barber
but he came with water so
that people would think he
hawked water. As soon as
they came in, some people
started emptying the water inside the gutter and
thereafter, they returned the
gallons to the wheelbarrow
and took me near the
swimming pool, and I kept
praying. One good thing was that at
that point, my faith had risen
by 100 per cent and I knew
for sure that I was not going
to die because the Lord was
with me. They made me sit on a chair by the swimming
pool and the Mallam cut all
my hair and dropped them
on the ground. As he dropped
the hair, I found out that in
the past, some hairs were burnt on that spot. After
cutting my hair, he shaved
my head with a razor blade. I don’t understand Hausa but
on that day, this Spirit came
upon me and I spoke Hausa
to the Mallam. I asked him
whether that was what the
man does to people and he said I should not worry, that
the man was a nice man, that
he would give me money to
go when I am ready to go. I
asked why the haircut but
before I could get an answer, the evil chief came out of the
house and the Mallam quickly
shut me up. By this time,
more than 12 of the boys had
surrounded me, watching as
my hair was being cut. Later, they brought a small bowl
containing some concoction. I think they chanted some
incantations inside it before
the man said: “See, they have
cut your hair; you can
imagine how beautiful you
look. Drink a little of this water, use the remaining to
wash your head and go
upstairs. I will give you your
clothes to wear and then you
will go home.” I dipped my
hands inside that water and said, “God, because the blood
of Jesus Christ supercedes
every other blood and that is
the only currency that binds
everywhere in the world, let
this currency in the blood of Jesus Christ buy my life now.”
I prayed within my heart. They ordered me to hurry up
and do what they asked me
to do. So, I drank a little of
the liquid and washed my
hair. They brought
something like a detergent and said: “Wash your head
very well. That is what is
tormenting you.” After
washing my hair, I sensed
that I was about going mad,
and they freed me. Maybe they wanted to make me
mad. They told me to go
upstairs, may be, to know if I
could know the way out. I
almost missed the way to the
staircase because it was as if someone’s fingers were
inside my brain. By this time, I couldn’t keep
my mouth shut. I shouted:
“Jesus! I rebuke this madness
in your name because you
were never mad, so, I cannot
be mad.” I said it loudly and they gave me a slap on my
back calling me an idiot and
warned me not to mention
that name there. Upstairs,
they kept another water in
the bathroom of the room that I stayed before they
moved me to the one was
that looked like the master
room. There was a large cupboard
where he kept his tools for
operating on people. They
then asked me to bathe with
the water that also had some
concoction. As soon as I got into that bathroom praying,
the Holy Spirit ministered to
me that I should throw away
that water. I did so and
prayed that the water should
flow fast before they come. This was about 6pm, I
thought of what else I could
do to convince them that I
had had my bath. Then,
another voice told me: “Ease
yourself inside this container and use your urine to rob
your body. In fact, bless that
urine to be the blood of Jesus
Christ and use it to rub your
body and don’t dry up so that
it will look as if you took your bath (there was a towel in
that bathroom). When they
come, they will think you
have had your bath.” And
because I had not eaten and
drank, my urine was very little. But God gave me the
grace. Then I prayed into it and
quickly rubbed it on my body
and the remaining one, I
sprinkled on his picture and
everywhere. This time, I
prayed and cried. So, before they came I had returned the
bowl. The man looked at me,
shook his head and left. After
about an hour, he came back
and said: “Who are you? Are
you a witch? Why are you so difficult? And then he made a
call. They have doctors. They
had everybody. By this hour, he told me
bluntly that he had not killed
me through poison because
he was going to use my
kidney to make more money.
He would send my kidney for transplant while my body
would be sold. He got angry
and immediately called his
doctor on the phone. He
called one doctor James who
now answered and he asked when he was going to come
around because it appeared
he was not on duty. Then,
they fixed an appointment. Miracle on Day four On the fourth day, I didn’t
know what their shrine said
because my prayer was that
when they go to that shrine,
they should see the blood of
Jesus Christ. I was sure they couldn’t consult because on
this day, the man stormed
that place in anger. He just
opened the drawer and
removed a shiny knife,
showed it to me and said that anywhere the knife
touched me, I would not live
till the next day. He was still talking when
something strange
happened. Suddenly, I saw
the man fling off the knife,
rolled on the ground, hit his
head and ran out of the room. I wondered what must
have happened to him. He
came back later shouting,
“Fire, fire”, increased the air
conditioner and jumped into
the bathroom, and started bathing. After bathing, he
came, stood under the air
conditioner, calling those
boys but they were scared to
come. He would call, “Omo Oba” and
they would answer and he
would say, “Where are you?
You are just saying sir, sir,
without coming.” When they
came, he told them to hold me but none of them came
closer to me because at that
stage, there was tension and
they had not seen such a
scenario before. The man screamed and at a
point, he held me by the neck
demanding that I must
quench the fire that was
burning him. Then I told him:
“Well, the only way that fire must be quenched is to allow
me go. If you don’t allow me
go, the fire has not yet
started.” He said he would
not give up, adding that he
had never been defeated in his life. He mentioned his
names (withheld) and titles
to me and told me he would
not allow me go because he
would die if he did. By this time, I began to
praise God for visiting me
and each time I shut my eyes,
I saw angels surrounding me.
At a point, the man knelt
before me and asked: “Which God do you worship?” I told
him that, “I worship Jehovah
Almighty God, through His
only begotten son that He
gave for my sake, Jesus.”
After this man had confessed, he and his boys ran away. But I could not leave because
the room they kept me had a
burglary proof designed in
such a way that if it is
hooked outside, you can’t
open it from within. I prayed, “God, I know that you have
given me victory. But you
need to do more. Someone
needs to open this door for
me to go out.” At about
10pm, the young man whom Aisha claimed was her fiancé
appeared and opened the
door for me. I gathered later
that when the man found out
that everybody had run out
with him, he contacted him because he brought me and
Aisha. In deed, the man
threatened to kill him if he
failed to take me away. So,
the young man had no choice
but to come and open the door for me.” Surprisingly, he asked: “What
did chief say you have done
to him to deserve all these?”
He threw his pyjamas to me
and said: ‘Wear it; let me take
you to the balcony. When people are asleep, I will open
the gate for you to go.” At
about 10pm, he left and
never came back. At about
4am, as I was asleep, I heard
a voice say, “Wake up. It is time”, and I jumped up. I thought of using the
pyjamas as a rope to climb
down but as I pulled my
clothes, I turned to my left
and saw a strong pipe. Then I
crossed my leg to the wall and holding the pipe, I
climbed down the building.
The maiguard was still there.
Sensing that the maiguard
was asleep, I climbed a
nearby tree and crossed the fence to the other side, even
though the security iron cut
me on my stomach. At about
5 am, the gates were opened
and I saw cars passing. I walked to the expressway
and stopped a motorcycle but
the man looked at me as if I
was mad and didn’t stop. I
stopped three others but it
was the fourth one that pitied me after hearing how I
escaped death. He dropped
me somewhere and gave me
N50 with which I boarded a
vehicle to Ojodu Berger. The
conductor tried to stop me from boarding the bus,
seeing the way I was, but I
shoved him aside and with
the backing of other
passengers, I entered. When I
eventually got home, my girlfriend rushed me to St
Timothy’s Hospital at Ojodu
where I was treated. Even at
that, I was ill for months.

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